About Us

A Few Words

About Us

SHOMEA is a non-for-profit association created by specialised doctors aiming to change the status quo in Sub-Saharan Africa.

We aim to see the effective implementation of neonatal screening programs in low- and middle- income countries so that every baby born with hearing or visual impairment will use appropriate aids and will have equal opportunities at life and career.

Our actions will go a long way to reduce road traffic accidents and to assist people living with  physical disabilities and orphans.

In addition, through proper education and sensitization campaigns, these impairments will no longer be a taboo, and the patients will no longer be considered as outcasts.

Why We Exist

We challenge the status quo

In Cameroon, just like in most Sub-Saharan countries, there exist no international screening programs for babies born, neither for hearing nor for vision.

Our impact on Road Traffic Accidents
Drivers are not routinely screened for vision or hearing.
Late diagnosis
Children are usually brought to medical attention late due to the initial superstitious believes and the lack of awareness.​
Poor speech and language development. Poor motor and psychological development. Marginalisation and abuses of all forms. Reduced chances at education and career.
Lack of appropriate Rehabilitation facilities
Hospitals, Staff, and Subsidised aids
International Screening and Rehabilitation of Hearing and Vision in Neonates

One of our main concerns at SHOMEA

No baby should be allowed pass the age of 1 month without initial screening

Help us get Hearing aids and Cochlear implants.

Assist us in providing spectacles, ophthalmic surgeries, ocular laser treatments, clutches, wheel chairs, surgical interventions like spine surgeries as need arises. Join our strive! Visit our active cases page.

Your support, Their bright future

You're giving individuals with disabilities the chance to learn, work, and succeed. Be a catalyst for change and empower equal opportunities through your generous donation.

Donate in a Snap

Please scan the QR code to support our quest to help people in need.

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Rehabilitated Loved ones
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Children screened
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Orphaned children assisted