Listen to their cries

Welcome to Shomea!

Screening and rehabilitation of hearing, vision and physical disabilities is our priority

Expertise Care

Provided by highly trained health personnel, audiologist, Otorhinolaryngologists, Ophthalmologist, Orthopaedics, certified statistician, economist and policy analyst.

” Every baby born should be automatically screened for hearing and vision within 3 months. All drivers should undergo routine screening of vision. This will aid in establishing appropriate rehabilitation in our countries, in reducing the number of people living with disabilities, poverty and even, road traffic accidents.”
Dr. Vofo G.
Expertise Care

Provided by highly trained health personnel, audiologist, Otorhinolaryngologists, Ophthalmologist, Orthopaedics, certified statistician, economist and policy analyst.

” Every baby born should be automatically screened for hearing and vision within 3 months. All drivers should undergo routine screening of vision. This will aid in establishing appropriate rehabilitation in our countries, in reducing the number of people living with disabilities, poverty and even, road traffic accidents.”

Dr. Vofo G.
Service, Respect & Compassion

Our Activites


  • Routine Neonatal screening and rehabilitation
  • Diagnosis  and rehabilitation of all age groups
  • Speech and language rehabilitation


  • Routine Neonatal screening and rehabilitation.
  • Routine screening of commercial drivers and populations at risk of blindness.

physical disability

  • Provision of displacement aids
  • Vocational training
  • Provision of  job opportunities


  • Provision of a home, security and educational facilities for orphans
  • Job opportunities

Your support, Their bright future

You're giving individuals with disabilities the chance to learn, work, and succeed. Be a catalyst for change and empower equal opportunities through your generous donation.

  • At SHOMEA we aim to see the effective and routine implementation of  neonatal screening programs in low- and middle- income countries, so that every baby born with hearing or visual impairment will use appropriate aids and will have equal opportunities at life and career.
  • Our second target is reduction of road traffic accidents as normalisation of screening of commercial drivers is one of our priorities
  • We also seek to assist people living with physical disabilities and orphans providing them, not only with comfort, but also with jobs.
  • Nation-wide education programs on hearing and visual impairment.
  • Neonatal screening campaigns followed by appropriate rehabilitation schemes.
  • Screening of vision for commercial drivers
  • Policy making
  • SHOMEA exist to educate, evaluate, diagnose and rehabilitate people suffering from hearing impairment, speech impairment, physical disabilities and populations at risk of visual impairment through safe interventions.
  • Our mission is to empower them and provide them with equal opportunities at education and career.

Our partners

  • According to the World Health Organisation, every baby born should undergo screening for both hearing and vision.
  • These recommendations are not applied in certain parts of the world due to technical, financial and/or socio-political constraints.
  • The incidence of hearing and visual impairment keeps rising in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Causes of neonatal deafness and blindness are more likely to be resolved when identified early.
Amazing Staff
Well trained, professional and dedicated staff who will not relent until every impaired individual is adequately rehabilitated.
Let the Numbers Speak
Every parent must:
Know his/her newborn baby’s hearing and vision status!!!
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Rehabilitated loved ones
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Doctors & Specialists
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Children screened
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Orphaned children assisted
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